Product Videos
Ludlum Measurements has produced a number of videos to teach customers about our most popular products. The full list of videos can be found on the Product Videos page under the Support menu. They are also available through our YouTube channel. The individual videos can also be found on the corresponding product pages on our website.
We are continually developing and producing new videos. If you do not see a video for the product you are interested in, you can send your suggestions to .

Training Courses
Ludlum Measurements offers two instrument training courses: Calibration Training and Instrument Repair Training. Course descriptions are shown below.
To register for a course, click on the Course Schedule tab, select the date you would like to attend, and click the register button.
Course Descriptions
Calibration Training
We offer an intensive two day training course that involves calibration of Ludlum manufactured instruments. This course is intended for customers interested in performing their own calibrations. It is generally not intended for first-responders or survey technicians since it does not cover the health physics aspects of radiation surveying.
The course is held at Ludlum's main facility in Sweetwater, TX and at Protean Instrument in Knoxville, TN. It is offered at no charge; however, attendees are responsible for accommodation and meals. Training is usually scheduled around middle of the month, but other times can be arranged for groups of four or more (see schedule).
Scheduled classes are held Tuesdays & Wednesdays, and classes start at 8:30 AM each day.
Note: Prior health physics training is recommended.
Instrument Repair Training
A two day training course covering the electronics information necessary to repair hand-held radiation detection equipment.
This course is offered twice a year (see schedule) and is only held at Protean Instrument in Knoxville, TN. It is offered at a fee of $750 per attendee. The course fee includes lunch each day; attendees are responsible for all other travel and accommodation expenses.
Note: A background in electronics is a prerequisite for this class to be useful to the participant. The student needs to understand the operation of an oscilloscope and digital multimeter.